Lia Ditton Attempts a Record Row from San Francisco to Hawaii

Lia Ditton Attempts a Record Row from San Francisco to Hawaii

Ocean Rower and Licensed Captain Lia Ditton has begun her effort to challenge the record for rowing from San Francisco to Hawaii. Lia is no stranger to solo competition on the water, having rowed the Atlantic Ocean in 2005 and sailed in the Route du Rhum Single-Handed Yacht Race.

Her current boat is equipped with a Katadyn PS40E watermaker. This compact, reliable watermaker will desalinate seawater for drinking, cooking, and bathing while Lia’s journey is underway. ThePS40E was chosen for its small footprint and record of extreme reliability. Lia has also successfully used a Spectra Ventura 150 watermaker in past rowing ventures. The Ventura 150’s fresh water output is significantly higher, but space was at an absolute premium for this trip and the Katadyn PS40E was an ideal choice.

Before leaving, Lia said: “My decision to row the ‘half marathon’ before the full Japan to San Francisco attempt next year was originally a humble training row, but is now a fully-fledged record attempt! Once I leave, all I know is that I am going on an adventure. My plan is to row to Hilo, Hawaii, if the weather gods bless me with favorable conditions, I have a chance of breaking the men’s record. If I go over 52 days, I will row on to O’ahu to challenge the women’s record.“ “The Continental Shelf, which is almost always rough, will be a major milestone. I will also have to row right through ‘Shark Café’, an area where Great White Sharks leaving San Francisco are tracked by conservationists. From anywhere between 250 miles and 750 miles, I will hope to pick up the Trade Winds to nudge me on my way. It is certainly not over, until it’s over, as from mid-July to August, the chances of hurricanes increase, while the Hawaiian islands feature tropical microclimates, strong winds, and currents around their shores.”

Lia’s progress can be tracked at

Photo Credit: Dylan Reeves

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