How To Choose The Right Filter

How To Choose The Right Filter

 The difference between a trip to remember, and one you can’t wait to forget can come down to one thing. And that thing is what so many people stress about and agonize over when planning a trip. Having a way to treat water allows you or your group to enjoy your surroundings and your company. Choosing the right water filter can be daunting when there are so many options, but your decision can be made if you are able to answer a few simple questions.

How many people will be using the filter?

  • If you are the only one using the filter, a personal microfilter bottle, like the Katadyn BeFree, would be a great option. It’s lightweight, packs small and can also be used to fill pots for cooking. Another filter to consider would be a pump filter like a Katadyn Hiker Pro. It’s also lightweight, but allows you to pump filtered water right into a hydration bladder when hiking longer distances.

  • For groups of people (~2-5), a gravity system like the Katadyn Base Camp Pro 10L would be a terrific choice. Gravity systems are meant to be filled, elevated and used on demand. The water is filtered as it flows out from the hose, allowing you to fill bottles, pots, and it can even be converted to a camp shower with a separate attachment.

How accessible is water going to be to you?

  • If you know that you will have water readily available either along a trail, or near your basecamp, a Katadyn BeFree 3L or a gravity system would be great to have in your pack. Being close to water enables you to fill often and not have to spend time pumping.

  • When you are out on the trail, a pump filter works great as it is lightweight, compact and can be used in shallow water. The Katadyn BeFree 0.6L and 1.0L are also nice to bring along as they allow you to carry a little water, but once empty, can be collapsed down and stowed until you reach your next water source.

How clean is your water?

  • Now that you have found water, the question remains how clean is it really? Just because you can see the bottom, doesn’t mean you should drink from it. Microfilters in many forms, be a bottle, pump or gravity system, will remove protozoa and bacteria that are commonly found in lakes, rivers and streams. These also work well with tap water should you be concerned about the water in your hotel when traveling.

  • Some filters also contain carbon that will help to eliminate chemicals and improve taste. And to further treat your water, you can use a chemical treatment like Katadyn Micropur MP1. This will kill any virus that may be left after filtering your water and can be used alone should you have no other means to filter your water first.

By zeroing in on these few key questions, your decision becomes much less daunting and much more empowering. Knowing what you plan to do with your water filter and where your water sources will be are important details that will help you narrow down your choice. The biggest and most important decision that you will make will be to bring something with you to treat water. Because as Franz Kafka said, “It is always better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.” And no one wants to remember the time they were sick for days, but rather the number of stars that they slept under.

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